longrich direct selling summit -pg电子麻将胡了

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longrich direct selling summit - day 2
author:   date:2014-12-03   hot:4135

this year, the second day of longrich direct selling summit was held on december 3, 2014. here we are posting some of the pictures from the event. 

outside the venue

longrich distributors from korea posing for the family picture.

longrich star-level director

longrich top executives

opening show

mr.zhao jianhua, longrich global market gm making a speech

longrich china market gm, mr. james he

mr. charlie chin, longrich international market gm

awards presentation to outstanding regional directors

awards presentation to newly promoted national directors

awards presentation to outstanding national directors

awards presentation to newly promoted three-star directors

awards presentation for 5 stars directors

audi car awards winners

bmw cars awards winners

mercedes car award winner

mercedes car award winners

villa award winner

longrich chairman mr xu zhiwei
